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Have you made up your mind that your are ready to challenge yourself to 40 days for a better you? Today? If that's your, we are here to help.

  • FIRST, you must be medically able to undergo the HCG diet. For a list of preexisting conditions that must be addressed prior to starting HCG -- click here If any of these conditions are present, you must first consult with Dr. Stokes.
  • Based on the Diet type (Injections / Drops / Tablets), make your payment here Please note, that although HCG is not covered by insurance, some Flexible Spending accounts and Health Savings Plans may pay for all or part of the cost of your HCG Weight loss.
  • Once payment is made, contact Innovative Healthcare to Schedule your appointment with Dr. Stokes to receive your injections, drops or tablets; You HCG Guides and daily weight loss log, initial weigh in and inches recorded as well as your before picture taken.
  • Then your off! This is a worthwhile decision and we are ecstatic that you have decided to make this life change. In 40 days you will see less of the outside you and more of a new you! Congratulations on beginning the HCG diet program!
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